Prisons, Penal Colonies and the Medical Humanities

‘Prisons, Penal Colonies and the Medical Humanities’

Joint meeting of Warwick/UCD and University of Leicester Prison Projects

Modern Records Centre Meeting Room, University of Warwick

7 December 2015


10.00-12.30 Panel 1: Prisoners, Medical Care and Entitlement to Health in England and Ireland, 1850-2000 (Warwick/UCD)


Facilitator: Steve King (Leicester)


Margaret Charleroy, ‘“The Dungeons of Liverpool”: Dr. Currie and the Health of French Prisoners of War at Liverpool Borough Gaol’

William Murphy, ‘Political Prisoners, Health and Medical Care, Ireland and Britain, 1905-1924’

Catherine Cox & Hilary Marland, ‘Prisoners, Insanity and the Pentonville Model Prison Experiment, 1842-1850s’

Fiachra Byrne, ‘“The Nutters’ Borstal”: The Rise of the Disturbed, Adolescent Offender in England and Ireland, c.1945-1975’

Nicholas Duvall, ‘Perceptions of Prison Medicine: The Place of Prison Medical Officers in the Medical Profession in the 1970s and 1980s’


12.30-1.30 Lunch Break MRC foyer (with exhibition of MRC archive materials on prisons)


1.30-4.00 Panel 2: The Carceral Archipelago: A Global History of Penal Colonies, 1400s–1960s (Leicester)


Facilitator: David Arnold (Warwick)


Clare Anderson, ‘The Penal Colony of French Guiana in the 19th Century: Climate, Degeneration and Descent’

Carrie Crockett, ‘The Evolution of Biocriminality in Late Imperial Russia’ (by Skype)

Kellie Moss, ‘Sickness and Mental Illness in the Penal Colony of Western Australia’

Lorraine Paterson, ‘Racialized Exiles: Vietnamese Prisoners in Nineteenth-Century Colonial Africa’

Katy Roscoe, ‘Indigenous Confinement in Colonial Australia’


Roundtable 4.30-5.30

Chairs: Clare Anderson, Catherine Cox, Hilary Marland


Participants: All attendees & Eureka Henrich (Leicester), Anna McKay (Leicester), Rebecca Lazarides (Warwick)

Drinks/Informal dinner Xananas 6.30 onwards